
What will we be doing?

During the course of this year we will:
  • Explore together the works of famous artists, musicians, poets,  and writers (aka Book Talk) during our Famous Lives time;
  • Explore and share some of our own thoughts and writings during Writing Club;  
  • Explore nature and the great outdoors in a hands-on way during our Nature Study time;
  • Create handmade items and (hopefully) share our creations with others as a public service, during our Handicraft Projects time; and
  • Enjoy the thrill of friendly competition and recreation during our Recreation time. 
Our inspiration will be Ms. Charlotte Mason, a British pedagogue who vastly improved the education of young people and whose methods are emulated in many home schools today.

Why do we study all of these things?

Well, because they are fun, for one! And, their study also helps to build an appreciation for so many things in the world around you. And, finally, because you should never stop learning about new things and growing as a person. But, more specifically...

Famous Lives
(Artist, Composer, Poet Study & Book Talk)

We can know a people and their history by studying their culture. When we study and become familiar with the works of great artists or composers, poets or writers, we  help to unlock and interpret the symbolism and hidden meanings behind the culture of those that came before us.
Did you know that scientists have been able to understand weather patterns of the past based on paintings left behind by artists? Go  here for a very interesting story on one of the world's most famous snow scene paintings, "Hunters in the Snow," by Pieter Bruegel.
In addition to learning about a culture of a certain people in time, if you want to learn how to be a great artist, composer, poet, or writer within your own generation, you should study the best models. In other words, model their works. Famous Lives will be a study of the best models of these artists & writers.

Writing Group

As a teenager, you are finding that you have things to say and write about. The Writing Group will provide a safe environment to do just that. In addition to writing, there will be fun drama games and even a bit of Shakespeare!

Nature Study

Without nature, we could not survive! Yet, we live in an age where, with modern-day conveniences such as air conditioning, automobiles, and computers, we are ever-increasingly separated from the natural world around us.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature helps you to relax, stay fit,  focus, observe, increase your attention span, and in general, have a better quality of life for the experience! So, why not study nature?! It's good for you and fun!


It is always a useful life skill to learn how to play games with others, how to communicate, follow agreed-upon rules, how to accept defeat, and how to win graciously. Life is not always easy and the game of sport  - with its ups and downs - can help you learn to face those challenges. And, it can be fun!

And, of course, it's just healthy to stay active and physically fit.  When you enter the challenging teen years where hormones are wreaking their havoc on you (they do with all teens - it's not just you), one of the best things you can do to maintain balance, besides a healthy diet and sleep, is to maintain an active lifestyle! For more on why exercise is so important for you, as a teenager, check out this article here.

Hand Crafts

If you want to live a more frugal life and practice the "recycle, reduce, reuse" philosophy of living more gently on the earth, then learning to do things for yourself is a good start.  Everything around you, outside of nature, was made by some person or machine. And, you may not think you have the skills to replicate any of those items. But, you do! You just have to try. 

Creating with your hands, which we'll call "hand crafts" and could include everything from knitting to sewing to changing a tire or wielding a hammer, is not only fun and fulfilling, but helps you to learn important life skills. And, I promise you'll feel better about yourself as you build up your amazing skills, as you realize all that you are capable of accomplishing!

(Giving Back)

One of the most important lessons we can learn in life is to follow the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Knowing that there are always others in the world who need our help, we will actively seek out a volunteer project for our group in which you can become involved this year.

Field Trip Time!

Because routine can, even under the best of circumstances create monotony, we will also be planning a few field trips during the course of the year. Field trips might include going to a museum, a concert, a park, hiking or canoeing, and just in general getting out with your friends to experience something new and FUN!

What is the purpose of this blog site?

This blog is set up to help you continue the enjoyment of our time together during the week. There will be links here that you can follow to "learn more" about our current topic of study. You will also be able to add your thoughts here and share with others in the group. If there are assignments that you need to follow, they will be posted here. Be sure to bookmark this blog and check it often!

So, welcome to Charlotte Mason For Teens! It's going to be a fun year!
